
Petition: Step Free Access at Colliers Wood Station

Colliers Wood Tube Station is a vital transport link helping to take residents to and from Merton to central London and beyond.

That’s why Merton Labour are campaigning to ensure our local tube station has step-free, so all residents are able to travel safely, comfortably and with dignity.

Have you completed the Merton Residents’ Survey yet?

What matters to you in Merton?

Do you have an issue in your area that needs fixing?

What do you love most about where you live?

We want to hear your views on how we can build a better Merton, and ensure we are always on your side.

Petition: Help Us Save St Helier Hospital

Due to a lack of funding, the government will review the proposals to build 40 new hospitals, including a new hospital in Belmont.

Please join our campaign to ask the government to provide the money to upgrade and repair St Helier hospital and maintain services on the existing site after years of neglect and lack of repairs under Tory governments.

While we fully support the hard work of doctors, nurses and staff at St Helier, we believe the building is not fit for purpose and that local residents deserve better.


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